背景:最近采购了一批新的服务器,底层的存储设备的默认physical sector size从原有的 512B 改为了 4K。
装完系统以后,在做数据库物理备份恢复时xtrabackup报了这么一个错。但是同样的备份在512B sector size的老系统上却可以恢复。
InnoDB: Error: tried to read 2048 bytes at offset 0 0.
InnoDB: Was only able to read 0.
140304 18:48:12 InnoDB: Operating system error number 22 in a file operation.
InnoDB: Error number 22 means 'Invalid argument'.
InnoDB: Some operating system error numbers are described at
InnoDB: File operation call: 'read'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
innobackupex-1.5.1: Error:
innobackupex-1.5.1: ibbackup failed at /usr/bin/innobackupex-1.5.1 line 386.我们先不讨论原因,先看一下解决方案:http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~akopytov/percona-xtrabackup/bug1190779-2.0/revision/561#src/xtrabackup.cc
为什么同样的程序在512B的block size 和在4K的block size上的行为结果不一样呢?
我们先来看一下什么是device block (sector) size:block(又叫sector) 是一个块设备的最小读写单位。也就是说对于一个512B block size的设备。即使上层调用只需要读10个Byte的数据,它也会从设备读取512B的数据,然后再把多余的剔除,返回给上层调用者。
在device block size的上层是filesystem block size:对于filesystem来说一个block也是最小的读写单位。也即只有一个字节的文件,在底层device上也会占一个block的大小。
更多对于block size的解释,见链接
有了block size以后,自然就出现了对齐(align)的概念。所谓对齐就是IO请求的边界和底层block的边界重合。也就是说上层IO请求的起始点和偏移量是下层设备block size的整数倍。同样读取512B的数据,对齐后的请求只需要下层设备的一次IO,而非对齐的请求就需要下层设备的两次IO再加上前后数据截断。也因为如此,aligned IO的性能要比unaligned IO的性能好很多
然而,Linux操作系统和MySQL并不严格要求IO对齐。unaligned IO只会造成IO请求性能略低,但并不应该出现访问报错。
那是什么样的原因导致xtrabackup在4K sector size的设备上报错了呢?
查阅Linux文档以后我们发现,文件系统在O_DIRECT模式下打开的文件有IO对齐的限制。而xtrabackup在使用了O_DIRECT方式open file的情况,发起了unaligned IO。这种情况下,文件系统会拒绝IO请求。
Users must always take care to use properly aligned and sized IO. This
is especially important for Direct I/O access. Direct I/O should be
aligned on a 'logical_block_size' boundary and in multiples of the
'logical_block_size'. With native 4K devices (logical_block_size is 4K)
it is now critical that applications perform Direct I/O that is a
multiple of the device's 'logical_block_size'. This means that
applications that do not perform 4K aligned I/O, but 512-byte aligned
I/O, will break with native 4K devices. Applications may consult a
device's "I/O Limits" to ensure they are using properly aligned and
sized I/O. The "I/O Limits" are exposed through both sysfs and block
device ioctl interfaces (also see: libblkid).
而查看xtrabackup 2.0.7 对于这个bug的描述,我们也可以发现这个bug的修复实际上就是简单的把 O_DIRECT的文件打开属性去除。具体change log摘抄如下:
The problem was in an length-unaligned I/O request issued while
manipulating xtrabackup_logfile with O_DIRECT enabled.We don't actually need O_DIRECT in those cases, so the fix was to
disable O_DIRECT.. The patch also removes userspace buffer alignment
code and implements other minor cleanups.