
apache url rewrite及正则表达式笔记

来源: 阅读:






  • 有一系列的顺序处理的规则rule集
  • 如果有一条规则被匹配,将同时检查该规则对应的条件是否满足
  • 如果一切处理结果都是go,那么将执行一条替换或者其他动作






\s{2,}  2个以上的空格

\|    backward referrence

\\    matches a '\'

\b    word boundary position,比如whitespace或者字符串的开始或者结束

\B    Not a word boundary position

(?=ABC)  positive lookahead. Matches a group after your main expression without including it in the result

(?!ABC)  Negative lookahead.Specifies a group that can not match after your main expression(ie. if it matches, the result is discarded)

(?<=ABC)   Positive lookbehind. Matches a group before your main expression without including it in the result.

(?<!ABC)  Negative lookbehind.Specifies a group that can not match before your main expression(ie.if it matches, the result is discarded)

*?    :match zero or more of the preceeding token. This is a lazy match, and will match as few characters as possible before satisfying the next token

+?    :match one or more of the preceeding token. This is a lazy match, and will match as few characters as possible before satisfying the next token

{5}    :matches exactly 5 of the preceeding token;

{2,5}  : matches 2 to 5 of the preceding token. Greedy match;

{2,5}?   matches 2 to 5 of the preceding token. lazy match;

(ABC)  groups multiple tokens together. This allows you to apply quantifiers to the fall group. Creates a capture group roll over a match highlight to see the capture group result

(?:ABC)  groups multiple tokens without creating capture group;

$$    escaped $ symbol         $`: insert the portion of the string that precedes the match

$&:     inserts the matched substring           $' : insert the portion of the string that follows the match
[$1]:     inserts the result of the first capture group

m      multiline

i       ignore case

"S"      match any character, except for line breaks if dotall is false

"g"    search globally

var str='The price of tomato is 5, the price of apple is 10';
str.replace(/(\d+)/g, '$1.00');

// 5.00  10.00


?     zero or one

\    escape

\.  \\   \+  \*  \?  \^  \$  \[  \]  \(  \)  \{  \}  \/  \'  \#

[ABC]  Any single character in ABC set


() :捕获 /(.+)@(163|126|188)\.com$/ 检查网易邮箱的格式

(?:)不捕获 /(.+)@(?:163|126|188)\.com$/ 


var url='http://blog.163.com/album?id=1#comment';
var reg=/(https?:)\/\/([^\/]+)(\/[^\?]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/;
var arr=rul.match(reg);
var protocal = arr[1]; //http
var host=arr[2];//blog.163.com
var pathname=arr[3]; //  /album
var search=arr[4]; // id=1
var hash=arr[5]; //#comment 


+    one or more

*    zero or more

|  or    matches the full before or after '|'      (https?|ftp)://

^    matches the beginning of the string    

$    matches the end of the string

$1    refer to a match

$2    refer to another match

?:  within parenthesis to not capture (^.+(?:jpg|png|gif)$)

[^ABC]   Any single character not in the set

[a-z]     any single character in the a-z range

[^b-e]    any single character that is not in range b-e


[\w'-]  any world characater, single quote or -

\t  \r\n  tab

\xFF    specifying a character by its hexdecimal index

\xA9 => copyright symbol

https://24ways.org/2013/url-rewriting-for-the-fearful/ 号称是最适合人来阅读的关于url-rewrite的文章


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