
Virtual Host on Apache(Apache上建立虚拟主机)

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0. Introduction

Usually, we want to build two or more websites on a web server, but we have only one IP and do not want to use ports (eg. www.abc.com:8081) to visit webpages.

So, how to make www.a.com and www.b.com both point to server X.X.X.X ?

1. Environment

Ubuntu 14.04 x64

Bitnami LAMP Stack 5.4.40

2. Steps

2.0. Configure "A" records of www.a.com and www.b.com to IP X.X.X.X

2.1. Make new dirs in .../apache2/htdocs for these two sites, such as, htdocsa and htdocsb

2.2. Modify .../apache2/conf/httpd.conf, add following codes:

NameVirtualHost X.X.X.X

<VirtualHost X.X.X.X:80>
ServerAdmin admin@a.com
DocumentRoot /opt/lampstack-5.4.40-0/apache2/htdocs/htdocsa
ServerName www.a.com

NameVirtualHost X.X.X.X
<VirtualHost X.X.X.X:80>
ServerAdmin admin@b.com
DocumentRoot /opt/lampstack-5.4.40-0/apache2/htdocs/htdocsb
ServerName www.b.com

2.3. Restart apache

3. References



(This article is from http://www.cnblogs.com/chenyineng/p/4450978.html, and belongs to http://chenyineng.cnblogs.com and http://www.chenyineng.info)

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