Learning Java characteristics (Java in a Nutshell 6th)
2025-03-07 07:26:22 来源: 阅读:
Java characteristics:
- Java .class files are machine-independent, including the endianness.
- Java .class files are not optimized
- .class files comprises "bytecode"
- different from "interpreted languages" in an additional step javac (source file cannot be interpreted directly)
- language "Scala" can produce .class files with non-java language, languages like "JRuby" can interprete ruby & run in JVM
- Java cannot guarantee 100% security
- Java always pass by value
- Java do not support full multiple inheritance
- Java has no operator overloading
- Java is statically typed
- Java has namespaces
- Java is multithreaded
Java Criticisms:
- Overly verbose (grammatically redundant)
- Java is not changing fast like C#, is not supporting new common features
- Java is fast now, sometimes beats C/C++
- desktop & GUI components are insecure, leads to a pushback of Java 8
- not freewheeling, that's why OpenJDK is there