String是不可变的常量,每当我们创建一个字符串对象的时候,如果堆区的常量池里不存在这个字符串,就会创建一个存储在常量池里(String存的地方叫String pool),如果存在了,就直接把变量的地址指向常量池里,比如:String b = “abc” 这句话 内存表示如下。下面开始上题
String s1 = new String("abc");
String s2 = new String("abc");
System.out.println(s1 == s2);
答案很明显了,地址不同 输出false.
String s1 = "abc";
StringBuffer s2 = new StringBuffer(s1);
这是true 还是false呢?答案是false。
首先s1变量引用了字符串”abc”,然后StringBuffer s2 = new StringBuffer(s1),新建了一个StringBuffer对象调用append()方法返回自身。调用String的equals方法。重点就是这个equals方法里有个instance of,必需是同一类型的才进行比较否则直接返回false。
* Compares this string to the specified object. The result is {@code
* true} if and only if the argument is not {@code null} and is a {@code
* String} object that represents the same sequence of characters as this
* object.
* @param anObject
* The object to compare this {@code String} against
* @return {@code true} if the given object represents a {@code String}
* equivalent to this string, {@code false} otherwise
* @see #compareTo(String)
* @see #equalsIgnoreCase(String)
public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
if (this == anObject) {
return true;
if (anObject instanceof String) {
String anotherString = (String) anObject;
int n = value.length;
if (n == anotherString.value.length) {
char v1[] = value;
char v2[] = anotherString.value;
int i = 0;
while (n-- != 0) {
if (v1[i] != v2[i])
return false;
return true;
return false;
String s1 = new String(“abc”);
String s2 = new String(“abc”);
有了上面的分析,相信大家都明白了,new了两个对象,加上string pool里的一个”abc”。
String s1 = "abc";
String s2 = new String("abc");
System.out.println(s1 ==s2);
/** * Returns a canonical representation for the string object. * <p> * A pool of strings, initially empty, is maintained privately by the * class <code>String</code>. * <p> * When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a * string equal to this <code>String</code> object as determined by * the {@link #equals(Object)} method, then the string from the pool is * returned. Otherwise, this <code>String</code> object is added to the * pool and a reference to this <code>String</code> object is returned. * <p> * It follows that for any two strings <code>s</code> and <code>t</code>, * <code>s.intern() == t.intern()</code> is <code>true</code> * if and only if <code>s.equals(t)</code> is <code>true</code>. * <p> * All literal strings and string-valued constant expressions are * interned. String literals are defined in section 3.10.5 of the * <cite>The Java™ Language Specification</cite>. * * @return a string that has the same contents as this string, but is * guaranteed to be from a pool of unique strings. */ public native String intern();
When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a string equal to this String object as determined by
the {@link #equals(Object)} method, then the string from the pool is
returned. Otherwise, this String object is added to the
pool and a reference to this String object is returned.
上面的代码第二行String s2 = new String(“abc”); s2其实是引用到了new的对象,虽然在第三行调用了intern方法,但是没有赋值给s2,所以s2的引用还是没有变。所以返回false。
如果第三行代码改成s2 = s2.intern()就会返回true了。
String s1 = "abc";
String s2 = new String("abc");
s2 = s2.intern();