

来源: 阅读:

Tpcc-mysql是percona基于tpcc衍生出来专用于mysql基准测试的产品 ,可以参见 《高性能MySQL第三版》


rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpmyum install bzrbzr branch lp:~percona-dev/perconatools/tpcc-mysql


[root@localhost tpcc-mysql]# cat README 1. Build binaries   * cd scr ; make   ( you should have mysql_config available in $PATH)2. Load data   * create database     mysqladmin create tpcc1000   * create tables     mysql tpcc1000 < create_table.sql   * create indexes and FK ( this step can be done after loading data)     mysql tpcc1000 < add_fkey_idx.sql   * populate data     - simple step       tpcc_load tpcc1000 root "" 1000                 |hostname:port| |dbname| |user| |password| |WAREHOUSES|       ref. tpcc_load --help for all options     - load data in parallel        check load.sh script3. start benchmark   * ./tpcc_start -h127.0.0.1 -P33000 -dtpcc1000 -uroot -w1000 -c32 -r10 -l10800                  |hostname| |port| |dbname| |user| |WAREHOUSES| |CONNECTIONS| |WARMUP TIME| |BENCHMARK TIME|   * ref. tpcc_start --help for all options 




#!/bin/bash                                                                                                                            # Configration MYSQL=mysqlTPCCLOAD=./tpcc_loadTABLESQL=./create_table.sqlCONSTRAINTSQL=./add_fkey_idx.sqlDEGREE=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` SERVER= # Load set -e$MYSQL -h$SERVER -u$USER -p$PASS -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASE"$MYSQL -h$SERVER -u$USER -p$PASS -e "CREATE DATABASE $DATABASE"$MYSQL -h$SERVER -u$USER -p$PASS $DATABASE < $TABLESQL$MYSQL -h$SERVER -u$USER -p$PASS $DATABASE < $CONSTRAINTSQL/usr/local/src/tpcc-mysql/tpcc_load_parallel.sh [FORMAT=unix] [TYPE=SH] [POS=1,1][1%] 09/01/16 - 23:26                                        done         if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then            exit $STATUS        fi         PIDLIST=()    fidone for PID in ${PIDLIST[@]}; do    wait $PID     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then        STATUS=1    fidone if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then    echo 'Completed.'fi exit $STATUS  


./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c16 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/512m-tpcc-data.log./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c16 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/1g-tpcc-data.log./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c16 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/2g-tpcc-data.log./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c8 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/8c-tpcc-data.log./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c16 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/16c-tpcc-data.log./tpcc_start -h192.168.1.104 -dtpcc -uroot -p123456 -w10 -c64 -r10 -l1200 > /tmp/64c-tpcc-data.log-d 测试库-u 用户名-p 密码-w 使用多少个数据仓库-c 测试的并发数-r 预热几秒-l 运行测试多长时间


****************************************** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator ******************************************option h with value ''option d with value 'tpcc'option u with value 'root'option p with value '123456'option w with value '20'//仓库option c with value '16'//并发线程数option r with value '10'//预热时长option l with value '1200'<Parameters>     [server]:     [port]: 3306     [DBname]: tpcc       [user]: root       [pass]: 123456  [warehouse]: 20 [connection]: 16     [rampup]: 10 (sec.)    [measure]: 1200 (sec.)RAMP-UP TIME.(10 sec.)//预热结束,开始进行压测MEASURING START.//每10秒钟输出一次压测数据  10, 0(0):17.297|29.366, 2(1):6.077|6.390, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|3.968, 0(0):0.000|0.000  20, 2(2):19.999|40.895, 3(2):5.218|10.209, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|53.658, 1(1):0.000|140.858  30, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(1):0.000|5.888, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000  40, 4(4):19.999|25.264, 4(3):9.853|13.864, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|3.219, 0(0):0.000|0.000  50, 5(5):19.999|40.184, 4(2):6.046|7.648, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000  60, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|3.568, 1(1):0.000|24.226, 1(0):0.000|1.637, 0(0):0.000|0.000……1170, 4(4):19.437|25.995, 4(3):7.417|9.241, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.0001180, 6(6):19.999|26.409, 9(2):5.568|8.834, 1(0):0.000|1.762, 1(0):0.000|36.276, 1(1):0.000|86.4591190, 2(2):11.617|12.754, 2(2):5.420|8.147, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.0001200, 2(2):16.664|22.551, 1(0):0.000|1.486, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|30.834, 1(1):0.000|256.143//以逗号分隔,共6列//第一列,第N次10秒//第二列,新订单成功执行压测的次数(推迟执行压测的次数):90%事务的响应时间|本轮测试最大响应时间,新订单事务数也被认为是总有效事务数的指标//第三列,支付业务成功执行次数(推迟执行次数):90%事务的响应时间|本轮测试最大响应时间//第四列,订单状态业务的结果,后面几个的意义同上//第五列,物流发货业务的结果,后面几个的意义同上//第六列,库存仓储业务的结果,后面几个的意义同上-- 压测结束STOPPING THREADS................<Raw Results>  [0] sc:4  lt:243  rt:546999  fl:275 //New-Order,新订单业务成功(success,简写sc)次数,延迟(late,简写lt)次数,重试(retry,简写rt)次数,失败(failure,简写fl)次数  [1] sc:144  lt:92  rt:565412  fl:281 //Payment,支付业务统计,其他同上  [2] sc:24  lt:3  rt:50802  fl:26 //Order-Status,订单状态业务统计,其他同上  [3] sc:52  lt:0  rt:0  fl:0 //Delivery,发货业务统计,其他同上  [4] sc:0  lt:27  rt:50788  fl:26 //Stock-Level,库存业务统计,其他同上 in 1200 sec.<Raw Results2(sum ver.)>  [0] sc:4  lt:243  rt:547120  fl:275   [1] sc:144  lt:92  rt:565566  fl:281   [2] sc:24  lt:3  rt:50802  fl:26   [3] sc:52  lt:0  rt:0  fl:0   [4] sc:0  lt:27  rt:50788  fl:26 <Constraint Check> (all must be [OK]) //下面所有业务逻辑结果都必须为 OK 才行 [transaction percentage]        Payment: 40.07% (>=43.0%) [NG] * //支付成功次数(上述统计结果中 sc + lt)必须大于43.0%,否则结果为NG,而不是OK   Order-Status: 4.58% (>= 4.0%) [OK] //订单       Delivery: 8.83% (>= 4.0%) [OK] //发货    Stock-Level: 4.58% (>= 4.0%) [OK] //库存 [response time (at least 90% passed)] //响应耗时指标必须超过90%通过才行      New-Order: 1.62%  [NG] *        Payment: 61.02%  [NG] *   Order-Status: 88.89%  [NG] *       Delivery: 100.00%  [OK]    Stock-Level: 0.00%  [NG] *<TpmC>                 12.350 TpmC  -- TpmC结果值(每分钟事务数)

四、使用gnuplot 绘图


./tpcc_analyze.sh 512m-tpcc-data.log > 512m-tpcc-data.data./tpcc_analyze.sh 1g-tpcc-data.log > 1g-tpcc-data.data./tpcc_analyze.sh 2g-tpcc-data.log > 2g-tpcc-data.datapaste 512m-tpcc-data.data  1g-tpcc-data.data 2g-tpcc-data.data > tpcc-data.data./tpcc-graph.sh tpcc-data.data  tpcc.jpg


#!/bin/bashTIMESLOT=1        if [ -n "$2" ]then     TIMESLOT=$2    echo "Defined $2"fi           cat $1 | grep -v HY000 | grep -v payment | grep -v neword |  awk -v timeslot=$TIMESLOT ' BEGIN { FS="[,():]"; s=0; cntr=0; aggr=0 } /MEASURING START/ { s=1} /STOPPING THREADS/ {s=0} /0/ { if (s==1) { cntr++; aggr+=$2; } if ( cntr==timeslot ) { printf ("%d %3fn",$1,$5) ; cntr=0; aggr=0  }  } ' 


#!/bin/bashgnuplot << EOP set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3set style line 2 lt 5 lw 3set style line 3 lt 7 lw 3set terminal png size 960,480set grid x yset xlabel "Time(sec)"set ylabel "Transactions"set output "$2"plot "$1" using 1:2 title "PS 5.1.56 buffer pool 512MM" ls 1 with lines,     "$1" using 3:4 title "PS 5.1.56 buffer pool 1g" ls 2 with lines,     "$1" using 3:6 title "PS 5.1.56 buffer pool 2g" ls 3 with lines axes x1y1                                                     EOP 



Could not find/open font when opening font "arial", using internal non-scalable font

export GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/liberationexport GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT=LiberationSans-Regularsource ~/.bashrc










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