目前市面上,移动应用web框架,也算是风生水起,不断涌现,各个都称自己最牛逼。常见的几个框架主要有jquery Mobile,Dojo Moble,Sencha Touch,我这里是极端推荐Sencha Touch,至于它多优秀,不是我说了算,只有你亲自用过,做过项目之后才能领悟他的魅力;至于从没用过的口水党,请绕道。
Sencha Touch是使用HTML5,CSS3和JavaScript来实现的,它可以在Android、IOS、WP、黑莓平台上使用,也可以在其他带有HTML5兼容的Web浏览器的平台上使用。更多详细介绍可以到官方阅读http://www.sencha.com/products/touch/,这里不罗嗦。
至于我为什么选择Sencha Touch,理由有如下几点:
1.下载sencha Touch SDK包http://www.sencha.com/products/touch/download/
5.Sencha Cmd 下载地址:http://www.sencha.com/products/sencha-cmd/download
6.注意将jdk,ruby,sencha cmd都添加到环境变量
Sencha Cmd 能干什么?详见:http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2.2.1/#!/guide/command
ok,环境搭建完毕,下面我们通过sencha cmd(一下简称cmd)的一行命令创建项目框架
# 首先确认进入到了sencha-touch-2-sdk cd /path/to/sencha-touch-2-sdk sencha generate app MyApp /path/to/www/myapp
通过IIS或者VS的IIS Express可能无法加载该MIME类型,需要手工配置MIMEhttp://www.cnblogs.com/qidian10/p/3289816.html
1 { 2 /** 3 * 程序名称,由cmd时候定义产生 4 */ 5 "name": "HzyApp", 6 /** 7 * 起始页 8 */ 9 "indexHtmlPath": "index.html", 10 /** 11 * The absolute URL to this application in development environment, i.e: the URL to run this application 12 * on your web browser during development, e.g: "http://localhost/myapp/index.html". 13 * 14 * This value is needed when build to resolve your application's dependencies if it requires server-side resources 15 * that are not accessible via file system protocol. 16 */ 17 "url": null, 18 /** 19 * List of all JavaScript assets in the right execution order. 20 * Each item is an object with the following format: 21 * { 22 * "path": "path/to/script.js" // Path to file, if local file it must be relative to this app.json file 23 * "remote": true // (Optional) 24 * // - Defaults to undefined (falsey) to signal a local file which will be copied 25 * // - Specify true if this file is a remote file which will not to be copied 26 * "update": "delta" // (Optional) 27 * // - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and 28 * // cached inside localStorage until this value is changed. 29 * // - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file 30 * // - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes 31 * "x-bootstrap": true // (Optional) 32 * // Indicates a development mode only dependency. 33 * // These files will not be copied into the build directory or referenced 34 * // in the generate app.json manifest for the micro loader. 35 * 36 * } 37 */ 38 /*应用中所需要的扩展的js文件*/ 39 "js": [ 40 { 41 "path": "touch/sencha-touch-all.js", 42 "x-bootstrap": true 43 },{ 44 "path":"common/Global.js", /*例如只是我自己定义的*/ 45 "update":"delta" 46 },{ 47 "path": "app.js", 48 "bundle": true, /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build */ 49 "update": "delta" 50 } 51 ], 52 /** 53 * List of all CSS assets in the right inclusion order. 54 * Each item is an object with the following format: 55 * { 56 * "path": "path/to/item.css" // Path to file, if local file it must be relative to this app.json file 57 * "remote": true // (Optional) 58 * // - Defaults to undefined (falsey) to signal a local file which will be copied 59 * // - Specify true if this file is a remote file which will not to be copied 60 * "update": "delta" // (Optional) 61 * // - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and 62 * // cached inside localStorage until this value is changed to either one below 63 * // - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file 64 * // - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes 65 * 66 * } 67 */ 68 /*应用中所需要的css文件*/ 69 "css": [ 70 { 71 "path": "resources/css/app.css", 72 "update": "delta" 73 },{ 74 "path": "resources/css/icons.css", /*例如只是我自己定义的图标css*/ 75 "update": "delta" 76 } 77 ], 78 /** 79 * HTML5的缓存配置 80 */ 81 "appCache": { 82 /** 83 * 缓存的东西,即使离线任然可用http://www.cnblogs.com/qidian10/p/3292876.html 84 */ 85 "cache": [ 86 "index.html" 87 ], 88 /** 89 * 不缓存的东西,离线不可用 90 */ 91 "network": [ 92 "*" 93 ], 94 /** 95 * 错误页面 96 */ 97 "fallback": [] 98 }, 99 100 /** 101 * Extra resources to be copied along when build 102 */ 103 "resources": [ 104 "resources/images", 105 "resources/icons", 106 "resources/startup" 107 ], 108 109 /** 110 * cmd编译项目时候,自动忽略的文件 111 */ 112 "ignore": [ 113 "\.svn$" 114 ], 115 116 /** 117 * Directory path to store all previous production builds. Note that the content generated inside this directory 118 * must be kept intact for proper generation of deltas between updates 119 */ 120 "archivePath": "archive", 121 122 /** 123 * List of package names to require for the cmd build process 124 */ 125 "requires": [ 126 ], 127 128 /** 129 * Uniquely generated id for this application, used as prefix for localStorage keys. 130 * Normally you should never change this value. 131 */ 132 "id": "3c292300-172c-4bee-bbaa-d2e783f75677" 133 }
1 //<debug> 2 Ext.Loader.setPath({ 3 'Ext': 'touch/src' 4 }); 5 //</debug> 6 Ext.application({ 7 name: 'HzyApp', 8 requires: [ 9 'Ext.MessageBox' 10 ], 11 views: ['Main'], 12 icon: { 13 '57': 'resources/icons/Icon.png', 14 '72': 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad.png', 15 '114': 'resources/icons/Icon@2x.png', 16 '144': 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad@2x.png' 17 }, 18 isIconPrecomposed: true, 19 startupImage: { 20 '320x460': 'resources/startup/320x460.jpg', 21 '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png', 22 '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png', 23 '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png', 24 '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png', 25 '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png' 26 }, 27 launch: function() { 28 // Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element 29 Ext.fly('appLoadingIndicator').destroy(); 30 Ext.Viewport.add(Ext.create('HzyApp.view.Main')); 31 }, 32 //html5缓存更新 33 onUpdated: function() { 34 Ext.Msg.confirm( 35 "更新", 36 "系统已经自动更新到最新版本,是否重新加载?", 37 function(buttonId) { 38 if (buttonId === 'yes') { 39 window.location.reload(); 40 } 41 } 42 ); 43 } 44 });
1 Ext.define('HzyApp.view.Main', { 2 extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel', 3 alias: 'widget.main', 4 requires: [ 5 'Ext.TitleBar', 6 'HzyApp.view.message.Main', 7 'HzyApp.view.history.Main', 8 'HzyApp.view.favorite.Main', 9 'HzyApp.view.system.Main', 10 'HzyApp.view.user.Main' 11 ], 12 config: { 13 id: 'hzyAppViewMain', 14 fullscreen: true, 15 tabBarPosition: 'bottom', 16 items: [{ 17 xtype: 'messagemain' 18 }, { 19 xtype: 'systemmain' 20 }, { 21 xtype: 'favoritemain' 22 }, { 23 xtype: 'historymain' 24 }, { 25 xtype: 'usermain' 26 }] 27 } 28 });
1 Ext.define('HzyApp.view.favorite.Main', { 2 extend: 'Ext.NavigationView', 3 alias: 'widget.favoritemain', 4 config: { 5 title: '收藏夹', 6 iconCls: 'favorites', 7 autoDestroy: false, 8 defaultBackButtonText: '返回', 9 navigationBar: { 10 items: [ 11 { 12 iconMask: true, 13 iconCls: 'refresh', 14 action: 'refreshKB', 15 align: 'right' 16 }, 17 { 18 hidden: true, 19 iconMask: true, 20 iconCls: 'chat', 21 action: 'toreply', 22 align: 'right' 23 }, 24 { 25 hidden: true, 26 iconMask: true, 27 iconCls: 'compose', 28 action: 'toscore', 29 align: 'right' 30 } 31 ] 32 }, 33 items: [ 34 { 35 html: 'This will display favorite urls!' 36 } 37 ] 38 } 39 });
cd /path/to/www/myapp
sencha generate model User id:int,name,email
如果知道命令参数,直接输入:sencha generate model
那么如何在Sencha Touch 2.2 里自定义icon图标呢?提供一种简单方法http://www.cnblogs.com/qidian10/p/3292669.html
#production,testing,native,package #进入到你的通过cmd生成的MyApp文件夹中 sencha app build production
如果你将已发布好的app,放到remote server上,第一次打开index.html,然后切断网络,再次刷新index.html你会发现仍然可以显示。原因就是他采用了html5的离线缓存技术
Sencha Touch App每次打开都会检查服务器是否有变动,如果有变动,会自动触发app.js里的onUpdated方法,提醒用户更新
如果你觉得采用webapp的方式,仍然不够理想,那么可以用st的另一把利器,打包Sencha Touch webapp为本地native app
这里介绍如何将Sencha Touch 打包为Android的apk
简单起见,我们将私钥仓库(keystore)建立在X:/目录,将私钥仓库(keystore),别名(alias) 和密码(password)都设为"hzyapp"。
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore hzyapp.keystore -alias hzyapp -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Enter keystore password: (I entered "hzyapp") What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: jack chen What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: it What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: hzy What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: jiaxing What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: zhejiang What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: CN Is CN=Patrick Chu, OU=Training, O=Sencha, L=Redwood City, ST=California, C=US correct? [no]: y Generating 2,048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA1withRSA) with a validity of 10,000 days for: CN=jack chen, OU=it, O=hzy, L=jiaxing, ST=zhejiang, C=CN Enter key password for <hzyapp> (RETURN if same as keystore password): [Storing hzyapp.keystore]
{ "applicationName":"HzyApp", "applicationId":"com.hwayifashiongroup.HzyApp",/*必须是包括两个点*/ "bundleSeedId":"KPXFEPZ6EF", "versionString":"1.0", "versionCode":"1", "icon": { "36":"resources/icons/Icon_Android36.png", "48":"resources/icons/Icon_Android48.png", "57":"resources/icons/Icon.png", "72":"resources/icons/Icon~ipad.png", "114":"resources/icons/Icon@2x.png", "144":"resources/icons/Icon~ipad@2x.png" }, "inputPath":"./", "outputPath":"../build/", "configuration":"Debug", "platform":"Android",/*平台,还有IOS等类型*/ "certificatePath":"X:/hzyapp.keystore",/*证书*/ "certificateAlias":"hzyapp",/*证书别名*/ "certificatePassword":"hzyapp",/*证书密码*/ "sdkPath":"D:/GreenSoftWare/Android/android-sdk-windows",/*android-sdk路径*/ "androidAPILevel":"8",/*Android版本,我用了2.2*/ "permissions":[ "INTERNET", "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE", "CAMERA", "VIBRATE", "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", "CALL_PHONE" ] }
文章最后再爆一料,默认产生的app,安装到android后,title bar是没有隐藏的,这个你只需要去更改cmd的模版文件即可
OK了,本节基本上贯穿了整个Sencha Touch开发的全貌。
下节课将会介绍真正的Sencha Touch细节开发了,深入到app里的各个层面(model,store,view,controller),注意事项,profile不同设备的适配等,敬请期待。