php5.5新增 Finally模块
try {
} catch (HttpException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
} finally {
try 中 return 后 finally 会继续执行,如果 finally 中也有return,则最终返回值为 finally 中 return 的值。
try 中 die 或 exit 后 finally 不会执行。
<?php/**finally块是个很好的设计,其中的return语句能覆盖其他块中的return语句,并处理try catch抛出的异常无需try-catch嵌套来处理子try-catch抛出的异常这个跟java的一样,c#是在finally块中存在return语句会抛出compile time error(编译时错误)*/function asdf(){ try { throw new Exception('error'); } catch(Exception $e) { echo "An error occurred"; throw $e; } finally { //This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown return "nException erased"; }}try { echo asdf();}catch(Exception $e) { echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();}/* The output from above will look like this: An error occurred Exception erased Without the return statement in the finally block it would look like this: An error occurred Result: error*/