1 <?php 2 function swap( &$a, &$b ) 3 { 4 $c = $a; 5 $a = $b; 6 $b = $c; 7 } 8 9 /**10 * quick sort11 * ascend12 * in-place13 */14 function quick_sort( &$a )15 {16 $s = count( $a ); // size of a17 if ( $s < 2 ) return;18 $i = 0; // index of pivot, for tracking pivot19 $pivot = $a[$i];20 $l = 0; // swap listener, if listens no swap, sort fini21 22 // swap those smaller than pivot to the left23 for ( $m = 0; $m < $s; $m++ )24 {25 if ( $a[$m] < $a[$i] )26 {27 swap( $a[$m], $a[$i] );28 $i = $m;29 $l++;30 }31 }32 33 // swap those larger than pivot to the right34 for ( $n = 0; $n < $i; $n++)35 {36 if ( $a[$n] > $a[$i] )37 {38 swap( $a[$n], $a[$i] );39 $i = $n;40 $l++;41 }42 }43 44 if ( $l == 0 ) return;45 else $l = 0;46 quick_sort( $a );47 }48 49 $arr = range( 9, 0 );50 quick_sort( $arr );51 echo implode( ', ', $arr );52 ?>